
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

If You Like My Website Content

Published on March 7th, 2011 by

If you like some EnjoyYourCooking article, feel free to link to it from your website, no permission is necessary.

This also includes sharing of links various social medias such as Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Delicious, etc.

If you feature EnjoyYourCooking in your articles or in blogroll, please leave a comment with URL here. If I find your site interesting for my visitors, I may link back.

The Site Content Is Copyrighted

Respect work of others. I spend a lot of time working on this website and recipes, as well as making, cleaning up and preparing images, so it really makes me sad finding my text or my images copied to other websites.

There seems to be no way around: some people just think that if an image has a copyright on it, then that is enough to remove it and resize image a bit to make image not copyrighted… And that is wrong. I do not permit using any of the materials of this website on other websites without prior agreement from my side.

Believe me, I know how my kitchen looks like, as well as my cookware, food and even my hands… If that is not enough, I really do have all the raw sources for every one of the photos on this website, so it will be pretty easy to prove the ownership.

To Make Life a Bit Easier

I allow using first image of any recipe on your website with the condition that EnjoyYourCooking.com copyright sign is intact and good visible; image itself should be properly linked to the corresponding article at EnjoyYourCooking.com.

As a note: on my opinion proper link doesn’t include nofollow tags, cannot be represented by javascripts, redirections, iframes and so on.

If you have any questions regarding using EnjoyYourCooking content (including text or images) on your website, please contact me directly.

With respect, Julia

23 Responses to “If You Like My Website Content”

  1. Amy says:


    I am a in Canada and have a website with a blog for my business. I would love to have permission to use some of your recipes and their photo for my blog. I will provide a link to your website.

    Thank You!

  2. Alena says:

    Hi Julia,

    Thanks for sharing your hard work with us. We know our fans are going to love your recipes. We appreciate you allowing us to share them.



  3. William says:


    With Summer upon us, I wanted to share with you one of our articles which I think might be of interest to you and your readers – http://foodal.com/knowledge/how-to/make-homemade-ice-cream/, it is a base recipe, using eggs, with ideas for flavour variations.

    Hope you enjoy the post! And perhaps you could share it with your audience by including on this page of your website? https://www.enjoyyourcooking.com/tag/dessert

    Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration.


  4. Tammy says:

    Hi Julia,

    In 2015, I will be publishing a Digital Magazine for woman. My questions to you is… if I may have permission to post some of the recipes on to my site in the upcoming year. Of course I will be placing links back to you site.

    Thank you Tammy Fisher.

  5. Hi Julia,

    I was just wondering if I could use your picture of the olivier for my food blog I am writing for my English class and don’t have any pictures of my own olivier I’ve made myself unfortunately :(I will give your blog full credit on my blog and will cite it and everything I promise:)I have a dedicated page to all my sources I am using. Let me know asap! I haven’t copied the picture or anything yet so let me know soon.

  6. Ken says:

    I would like to subscribe to you website

  7. Anastasia says:

    Dear Julia!

    My name is Anastasia, I’m an owner and author of russian language cooking site http://10i5.ru
    There are my recipes with step-by-step description and photos. Now I plan to open new column with the recipes of another authors. I kindly ask you to let me know if I may use your recipes (translated into russian language) with your step-by-step photos. Of course I will put your name under recipe with link to your web page.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Anastasia,

      I must say I love you website, it look really great!
      Thank you for the interest in my site content, but I am planning to do similar translations myself in future and would prefer avoid troubles with duplicated content.

      So unfortunately, I can’t participate your site new column.

  8. Jason says:

    Its so nice and thanks for the information,it really helped me make up my mind to better side..thanks..it’s cool..

  9. I only post recipes I actually make, and since I was not able to find sour cherries around here, I never made this soup. However, I have a Strawberry soup posted, so the process is the same, just different fruit:

  10. I just found your website, since I LOVE sour cherries, and you made varenyky out of them. This past summer I had fresh sour cherries for the FIRST time, while visiting my son in Goshen, New York.
    My mom used to make awesome summer soup from sour cherries.
    I also have a blog, and post lots of Eastern-European recipes. I love reading your recipes as well.
    Feel free to link up to my posts, whenever you find them interesting.

  11. David says:

    Hello Julia,
    My name is David, and I’m from Israel.
    I was really glad to find your website and loved to sea all the interesting recipes and pictures.
    In the past 3 years I developed my own website which called “Photographed recipes”, my site also shows step by step of recipes mostly mine and my family. Here is a link: http://food.vtop.co.il/
    I’m very interesting in peoples food , and I would like to use some of your recipes to my website.
    If you will approve I will be happy to translate and put the pictures in my site- I will not edit the pictures and in the end of the recipes I will add credit and like to your site.
    I’m very sure that a lot of Israeli users will be happy to sea some of your work in my site.
    Appreciate your response

    • Hello David,
      and thank you for taking your time and actually reading this page 🙂

      I don’t mind if you use first image of each recipe as well as translating recipe itself, if each page with recipe you create has a link to original article on enjoyyourcooking.com.

      Have a good day,

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