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Pork Soup with Eggs
January 28th, 2019 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Recipe for a soup, quick to prepare as it doesn’t require additional time to cook a broth and it also calls for a limited amount of ingredients, yet it is pretty delicious.
It is pretty filling, with all the meat and eggs, and also warming up and I think it is a perfect winter time meal.
And also great choice for the times when you are short on time.
Something simple to start a new year with.
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger
December 29th, 2018 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Salads, Sides by Julia Volhina
All beets lovers out there (how ever many there are of you), this recipe is for you: cooked beets with sweet oranges dressed up with spicy ginger, red wine vinegar and fresh squeezed orange juice.
I make this one with roasted beets (wrap washed beets skin on in foil, put them into a pan and stick into oven warmed up to 355F for about 1.5h, or more or less depending on their size).
Boiled ones will work as well (see instructions for boiling beets if needed). I never tried this salad with precooked beets.
Size, taste (and sweetness) of both beets and oranges is something which may vary greatly, so there is a lot “to taste” measurements. You don’t want sweetness to be overpowering (this is where vinegar and salt come to help, using rather sour oranges will help as well). Also people have variable “tolerance” to taste of ginger, start small and add more to taste. Just be creative, you will not be disappointed.
Cauliflower Fried with Eggs and Tomatoes
November 24th, 2018 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
One of these “whatever you have in the fridge” recipes here: in this case it calls for cauliflower, tomatoes, eggs and some greens.
I love cauliflower, fried cauliflower the most, and combination of cauliflower with eggs is one of my favorites.
Cooking cauliflower on skillet will take some time, use a lid to speed things up. I would advise against boiling or steaming cauliflower for this recipe as it will become too watery and will lose the crunch.
Meatballs in Milk Sauce
November 3rd, 2018 in Beef, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Not so complicated recipe for meatballs, will take roughly an hour to cook and will produce quite a lot to eat after.
These meatballs taste great straight from the oven or reheated later on. Pair well with mashed potatoes, pasta or grains (like boiled buckwheat here for example).
Trickiest trick here is to not burn the sauce while cooking, just make sure cooking temperature is low enough for light simmer and stir pot from time to time, using thicksided cooking pot or a deep cast iron skillet is a good option too.
Butternut Squash Soup Puree
October 20th, 2018 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
With pumpkin and squash season comes time for vegetable soups using said vegetables.
Today’s recipe features butternut squash and some other fine veggies to accompany it.
It is full of veggie goodness, has hint of a spice (which you can tame a bit if you are looking for something less spicy by reducing amount of peppers) and totally great taste.
If you are a fan of the season, butternut squash soup is definitely a dish to try.
How to Clean a Butternut Squash for Cooking
October 6th, 2018 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
Since a pumpkin and squash season is upon us again, for these of you who wanted to cook and eat some of these but was hesitant to go for it due to fear of “cleaning” and preparing the squash, here is the simple few steps method I use which allows me to do it quick and more importantly pain- and bloodless.
It works the best for smaller size squashes which you can slice across with a knife. For bigger ones just do you best to slice it in manageable slices first and the proceed as described.
The same method will likely to work for other types of squashes and pumpkins.
Arugula and Peach Salad
September 22nd, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
I never was a fan of arugula rather bitter taste, but lately I have weird cravings for it, so I had to get inventive.
As it appears peach does a great job helping balancing arugula in this salad. So if you are like me: trying to get arugula in your diet while not actually liking the taste, this salad is for you.
Parmesan and pine nuts are great addition too.