Tag: easy (Page 1 of 4)
How to Clean a Butternut Squash for Cooking
October 6th, 2018 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
Since a pumpkin and squash season is upon us again, for these of you who wanted to cook and eat some of these but was hesitant to go for it due to fear of “cleaning” and preparing the squash, here is the simple few steps method I use which allows me to do it quick and more importantly pain- and bloodless.
It works the best for smaller size squashes which you can slice across with a knife. For bigger ones just do you best to slice it in manageable slices first and the proceed as described.
The same method will likely to work for other types of squashes and pumpkins.
Salmon and Cream Cheese Spread
July 28th, 2018 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Quick recipe for an appetizer you can put together on a minutes notice (if you have ingredients of course): salmon and cream spread.
Once ready, you can set it up on cucumber slices, or crackers you like. Or in less fancy fashion (and also quicker) spread it on a bread toast.
I used hand blender to here, because I wasn’t sure how my cup blender will react to not-so-liquid mixture. Either one you plan to use, just make sure cream cheese and salmon are well blended into homogeneous mixture.
Cilantro Lime Shrimps Salad
April 7th, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
If you have more cilantro lime shrimps on your hands than you can eat or if eating them plain isn’t as exciting as it was anymore and you want to add some veggies to your diet, this salad may be an idea to try.
It doesn’t take much time to do, and is pretty easy to do: chops veggies, add shrimps and beans, dress and mix.
Cilantro lime shrimps from Costco’s will work here, or if you feel adventurous – try to prepare shrimps yourself, as I’ve described in my previous recipe, either will work for this one.
Scrambled Eggs with Asparagus, Tomatoes and Mushrooms
July 29th, 2017 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Scrambled eggs is one of these things one can easily throw together and be creative about it: the fridge content is the only limit, really.
And asparagus is my new go to for scrambled eggs lately. It pairs well with mushrooms and vegetables, and eggs themselves of course.
So here you go: a recipe for scrambled eggs with asparagus and mushrooms. Feel free to follow the steps, or tweak it one way or another.
Homemade Chickpea Hummus
July 15th, 2017 in Sauces & Dips & Spreads, Sides by Julia Volhina
Got a can or two of chickpeas stuck in the pantry? Or boiled a cup too many of garbanzo beans and looking for creative way to use them? Try this homemade hummus recipe.
It takes about 5 mins to make and you get a fresh batch of hummus to eat with your favorite vegetables, pita bread, chips or for further use in other recipes.
For this recipe I cooked beans from scratch. If you do the same save some of the water beans are cooked in and use it instead of water in this recipe.
Beer Pork Roast
July 1st, 2017 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Perfect pork roast made of few ingredients: turns out juicy and tasteful. It is pretty easy to cook, doesn’t require much cooking skills if any at all.
This pork roast tastes great warm fresh from the oven, as well as cooled down. Pairs well with roasted vegetables or a salad.
Marinating will require few hours and can go over night if needed.
Chickpea Garam Masala
June 17th, 2017 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
One of the easiest chickpea recipes to make, yet so tasty one. This vegetarian dish will require a little less than 20 mins of cooking.
It can be served on its own, with a bit of bread, or as a side for boiled rice or quinoa.
I think this is one of traditional Indian recipe. Tweak the taste to your liking by adjusting amount of spices or even spices themselves. The recipe calls for garam masala, but a good curry powder will work as well.
I always soak and boil chickpeas myself, drain them before using here (preserve a bit of water they were cooking in). Using canned ones is an option as well, it will certainly be quicker. If going this route, use water at step 10.