
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: avocado (Page 1 of 1)

Cilantro Lime Shrimps Salad

April 7th, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Cilantro Lime Shrimps Salad

If you have more cilantro lime shrimps on your hands than you can eat or if eating them plain isn’t as exciting as it was anymore and you want to add some veggies to your diet, this salad may be an idea to try.

It doesn’t take much time to do, and is pretty easy to do: chops veggies, add shrimps and beans, dress and mix.

Cilantro lime shrimps from Costco’s will work here, or if you feel adventurous – try to prepare shrimps yourself, as I’ve described in my previous recipe, either will work for this one.

Raw Vegetables and Chicken Salad with Feta

March 14th, 2015 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Raw Vegetables and Chicken Salad with Feta

This salad is more advanced version evolved from Raw Vegetable Salad with Feta.

I added few ingredients: kale, celery, zucchini, corn, olives, mushrooms and a protein source, boiled chicken, to make things a bit more interesting.

I take this salad ingredients with me and slice them up at work for a healthy lunch. It only takes few minutes to do.

By the way, if you boil chicken right before making the salad, make sure you let it cool down to room temperature first.

Raw Vegetable Salad with Feta

August 30th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Raw Vegetable Salad with Feta

I am trying to eat my vegetables raw at the moment (losing some weight, trying to eat more healthy, running and such). So this is a salad which I make for myself for lunch at work to accomplish this.

It takes about 10 mins to do all the slicing and dicing. And maybe 5 more for cleaning and packing.

Occasionally I add to it raw corn, onions, spinach, lettuce to vary things up, but cucumbers, tomatoes, mini peppers and avocado are always present.

Green Salad with Tomatoes, Avocados and Shrimps

July 16th, 2011 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Green Salad with Tomatoes, Avocados and Shrimps

This is one of the salads which uses avocado dressing from the last week recipe. It is green, fresh summer salad topped with boiled shrimps with a hint of spiciness provided by the dressing.

My advise is to assemble this salad right before you are planning to serve it: it calls for avocados, tomatoes and lettuce (all of which react to oxidation by loosing taste and pretty look).

However avocado dressing can be prepared in advance and stored in airtight container in fridge.

Avocado Salad Dressing

July 9th, 2011 in Sauces & Dips & Spreads by Julia Volhina
Avocado Salad Dressing

This creamy avocado salad dressing somewhat resembles guacamole dip, after all it consists of almost the same ingredients, just in different proportion.

However it is much more spicy and more liquid which obviously makes it easier to dress salads with it: lettuce salad with tomatoes, avocados and shrimps is my personal choice for this dressing.

Ready spicy avocado dressing can be stored in the airtight container in fridge for several days.

How to Skin Avocado

July 2nd, 2011 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
How to Skin Avocado

Ripe avocado pulp is very soft and their skin is dense and resembles a shell. And it is very easy to scoop pulp from the skin with a spoon if you are going to prepare avocado guacamole-like dip, salad dressing or milk shakes (yep, I was surprised too!), where avocados are mashed and it doesn’t really matter how you extracted pulp.

However if you need avocado in whole pieces for salad or sandwich, you will need remove pulp from the skin without damaging it.

So here are instructions how to do this easily.

Spicy Guacamole Dip

February 26th, 2011 in Sauces & Dips & Spreads by Julia Volhina
Spicy Guacamole Dip

First time I tried this green dip, it was served as a side dish to something very spicy in mexican restaurant, and it didn’t impress me. Probably, that was about color: I never seen avocados before and their bright green color seem almost artificial.

Nevertheless, I tried it and since then these unusual and very nutritious fruits are very important part of my diet: amusingly they have more potassium than bananas, have high fiber content and rich on vitamins E, B and K.

This variant of guacamole is a bit spicy. If you want to make it mild: either increase amount of avocados or reduce amount of serrano peppers and onion; adding sour cream can help reduce hotness as well.