Tag: ground meat (Page 1 of 3)
Meatballs in Milk Sauce
November 3rd, 2018 in Beef, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Not so complicated recipe for meatballs, will take roughly an hour to cook and will produce quite a lot to eat after.
These meatballs taste great straight from the oven or reheated later on. Pair well with mashed potatoes, pasta or grains (like boiled buckwheat here for example).
Trickiest trick here is to not burn the sauce while cooking, just make sure cooking temperature is low enough for light simmer and stir pot from time to time, using thicksided cooking pot or a deep cast iron skillet is a good option too.
Zucchini and Beef Patties
August 26th, 2017 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Traditionally for a zucchini season a zucchini recipe: a cross between meat patties and zucchini pancakes, so to speak. For the times you want to eat some meat but also want to get your veggies in as well.
They turn out very tender and juicy. Pair great with any potatoes or grain sides. Work good on buns, however will be too soft for grilling, so just fry them as recipe explains.
I prepared these with beef, but I think chicken or turkey or mix of meats (whatever you like more) will work here as well.
Cabbage and Meat Rissoles (Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties)
January 30th, 2016 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
EnjoyYourCooking already has recipe for Lazy Cabbage Rolls casserole, this recipe variation uses almost the same ingredients, but in form of cabbage and meat patties baked under tomato and sour cream sauce.
Again, they are much easier and faster to prepare comparing to traditional cabbage rolls (this is why they are called “lazy”), but taste is very similar.
These patties constitute complete meal, but some vegetables or salads can be served along as a side dish.
Turkey Meatloaf
April 13th, 2013 in Main Dishes, Turkey by Julia Volhina
This is another experiment with turkey meat, which I am not very familiar with. And I must say I like how it turned out.
I used ground turkey breast meat, but thighs would do good as well, or a combination of these.
This recipe is good choice for lunch or dinner, leftovers can be stored in fridge and warmed up before serving.
Russian Meat Dumplings (Pelmeni)
June 30th, 2012 in Beef, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Pelmeni (russian meat dumplings) is one of the dishes which take a lot of time to make.
However once done, you can freeze them up for future use, which is perfect for times when you are short on time and need to get something fast to eat.
And just a hint, it goes faster if you are not assembling them alone.
You can use already ground meat, or grind meat yourself and if you choose to do so – grind onions together with meat.
Chicken Stuffed Leeks
May 26th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
When I saw recipe for stuffed leeks first time I decided for myself that I get to try cook something like this for sure: it looks unusual, have a lot of vegetables and doesn’t look hard to cook.
I decided to stuff them with chicken mince and rice and accompany it with tomato and bell pepper mix.
I did 2 layers pipes, but if you want to use less leeks you can separate leeks into 1 layer.
Stuffed Spaghetti Squash
November 26th, 2011 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
My mom usually cooked big zucchini like this: stiffing it with ground beef and rice mince.
However I wasn’t able to find an “adult” zucchini in any shop here in US to cook it. It seems that they don’t survive long enough to grow big here (maybe green piece should look into that, I don’t know).
Anyway, I believe spaghetti squash is a good substitute for this recipe: it serves the purpose by being squash and providing a cavity to cook stuffing, and it also brings nice unique texture to the dish with its “spaghettiness”.
The taste here is similar to cabbage rolls (as if they were made of squash 🙂 ), however the amount of work you need to put into this one is considerably smaller.