Tag: cabbage (Page 1 of 4)
Napa Cabbage and Chicken Salad
February 10th, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Napa cabbage is tender and juicy and is generally good choice for salads: doesn’t require any extra work to soften it up.
As any cabbage, it is high on vitamin C, so it is good choice of food for that flu and cold season.
This is also a salad to do if you got some leftover chicken and need to find some use for it: just remove skin and bones.
Any chicken meat will do, I boiled some thighs to prepare this post.
Cabbage with Prunes
January 13th, 2018 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Unusual combination of prunes and cabbage, stewed together.
Slightly sweet, pure veggies, just a bit of oil, so not too heavy and pretty simple to cook, especially if you shred cabbage with mandoline or some similar tool.
If you use prunes with pits, account for few additional minutes to remove them. It isn’t too hard, just a bit messy. If pits are not coming out easily, soak them a bit longer.
Serve cabbage with prunes as a separate entry or a side dish.
Raw Beets and Cabbage Salad
December 16th, 2017 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Pretty simple yet pretty festive and colorful raw cabbage salad with red beets, greens and a bit of onion dressed with mayo (all though you can go for a sunflower or olive oil for healthier option).
Raw cabbage is packed with vitamins, especially vitamins K and C, but also B6 and folate. And beets high in folate and manganese. A good combination for the winter.
It is also quite filling. So a good choice if you are trying to get some fiber in.
Cabbage and Meat Rissoles (Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties)
January 30th, 2016 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
EnjoyYourCooking already has recipe for Lazy Cabbage Rolls casserole, this recipe variation uses almost the same ingredients, but in form of cabbage and meat patties baked under tomato and sour cream sauce.
Again, they are much easier and faster to prepare comparing to traditional cabbage rolls (this is why they are called “lazy”), but taste is very similar.
These patties constitute complete meal, but some vegetables or salads can be served along as a side dish.
Cabbage with Mushrooms and Sour Cream
January 16th, 2016 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
This dish offers great combination of tastes: cabbage, onions, mushrooms and sour cream braised together and seasoned with fresh dill.
Cabbage braised with mushrooms and sour cream can be served as a side or as no meat course on its own.
Time needed for cooking will vary depending on how soft you like cabbage to be, just check its readiness from time to time.
Cabbage Pancakes
July 4th, 2015 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
If you have some cabbage sitting in the fridge and you don’t know what to do with it, here is your way out: make cabbage pancakes. They are much like Ukrainian “deruny” but made from cabbage and onions.
My better half is not a big fan of cabbage in general, but he loves these and always asks for seconds.
Cabbage pancakes work great for breakfast or lunch as a dish on its own. But they are not sweet, so I suppose can be served as a side dish as well.
Listed amount of ingredients will produce about 15 pancakes.
Cabbage Baked with Eggs
December 20th, 2014 in Eggs, Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
I don’t know how to call this dish: it is not a cake or pie, but it certainly looks like one; it doesn’t seem to be a casserole, but you can bake it in a casserole pan, it does look similar to quiche, but is not exactly a quiche.
I guess at very least it is an omelette, omelette with cabbage. Yes, I know, an unusual combination, but still pretty tasty.
Cabbage omelette doesn’t require a lot of time to prepare, can be served for breakfast or lunch as a dish on it’s own, but it also can be paired with meats as a side dish.