
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Cabbage Baked with Eggs

December 20th, 2014 in Eggs, Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by
Total cooking time: 45min
Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe

I don’t know how to call this dish: it is not a cake or pie, but it certainly looks like one; it doesn’t seem to be a casserole, but you can bake it in a casserole pan, it does look similar to quiche, but is not exactly a quiche.

I guess at very least it is an omelette, omelette with cabbage. Yes, I know, an unusual combination, but still pretty tasty.

Cabbage omelette doesn’t require a lot of time to prepare, can be served for breakfast or lunch as a dish on it’s own, but it also can be paired with meats as a side dish.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 1
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 1
  2. Warm up oven to 350F. Remove hard stem from the cabbage and dice cabbage into bigger pieces; arrange chopped cabbage in ovenproof pan (I used springform, casserole pan will work too):
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 2
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 2
  3. Melt butter in microwave and pour it over cabbage:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 3
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 3
  4. Salt to taste, mix, even out, but do not press it down:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 4
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 4
  5. Add mayo and sour cream to a mixing bowl:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 5
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 5
  6. Salt a bit too:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 6
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 6
  7. Add all 3 eggs:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 7
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 7
  8. Mix until homogeneous (I used handheld mixer here):
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 8
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 8
  9. Mix in baking powder:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 9
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 9
  10. Spoon by spoon mix in flour:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 10
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 10
  11. Beat ingredients together until well incorporated, batter consistency should allow pouring:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 11
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 11
  12. Pour batter on top of the cabbage layer:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 12
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 12
  13. Cover cabbage with batter completely, don’t mix:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 13
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 13
  14. Put pan to the warmed up oven for 25-30 mins (or until toothpick stuck into the dish comes out clean);
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 14
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 14
  15. Then remove pan from the oven:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 15
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe: Step 15
  16. Slice it up and serve:
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe
    Cabbage Baked with Eggs Recipe

7 Responses to “Cabbage Baked with Eggs”

  1. carol says:

    is the baking powder necessary? i lost mine. is it gonna come out good without it?

  2. Ginny says:

    It was very good, the butter was the flavor enhancer for me. I will swap 1T dijon mustard for 1T Mayo next time to give it a little zing.

  3. Huk says:

    I don’t know a name for this exact recipe but it is similar in style to a Frittata. It is also similar in concept to a Japanese okonomiyaki.

  4. Tanya says:

    This looks good, I can’t wait to try it after the holidays. Thank you for posting and sharing your recipes with us.

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