
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad

December 6th, 2014 in Salads by
Total cooking time: 15min
Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe

It seems to me that sorrel isn’t something very popular in cooking in this part of the world.

But just in case if you were looking for some recipe using it, here is one: fresh raw salad with sorrel, apple and romaine lettuce dressed with lemon juice and honey.

If dressing seems too sour for you, replace some juice with water and increase amount of honey, that should do the trick.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: wash apple, sorrel and lettuce leaves:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 1
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 1
  2. Remove core from the apple (you can skin it too if you wish to do it); julienne the apple (I used thin julienne slicer for this):
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 2
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 2
  3. Sprinkle a bit of lemon juice on top of the apple to prevent it from browning (I used quirky citrus spritzer to do that, but you can simply squeeze the juice by hands if you don’t have one):
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 3
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 3
  4. Slice lettuce leaves, arrange them in a mixing bowl; discard hard part of leaves:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 4
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 4
  5. Add julienned apples to the bowl:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 5
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 5
  6. Slice sorrel leaves into stripes, and add them to the bowl as well:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 6
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 6
  7. Mix about 1/3 cup of lemon juice with 2-3 teaspoons of honey (or more to taste):
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 7
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 7
  8. Pour honey and lemon dressing over the salad:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 8
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 8
  9. Toss salad with few strokes to distribute dressing:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 9
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 9
  10. And serve:
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 10
    Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad Recipe: Step 10

2 Responses to “Apple, Sorrel and Lettuce Salad”

  1. Emiliano Kessler says:

    Nice! I needed a salad for my dinner tonight and you gave me an easy one. well, almost, i don’t have sorrel (i don’t think we have that here in Brazil). Let me ask you something, do you ever considered making an youtube channel? You got really cool recipes here 🙂

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