
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin

March 25th, 2017 in Main Dishes, Pork by
Total cooking time: 12h
Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin

Creative way to stuff pork loin – slice it up like a “book”, marinate, put tasty ingredients in between “pages” and then roast.

I stuffed pork loin with tomato slices, shredded cheese and sliced thin garlic cloves for a hint of spice.

For this recipe meat is marinated for about 12 hours before cooking. So allow some time for that, you will not be disappointed.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 1
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 1
  2. Mix up marinade: soy sauce, mustard, oil and lemon juice:
    Mix soy sauce and mustard
    Mix soy sauce and mustard
    Add olive oil
    Add olive oil
    And lemon juice
    And lemon juice

  3. Rinse pork loin and pat it dry with paper towels. Slice it up along the short side into book-like shape (not all the way through, keep meat pieces connected to each other):
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 3
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 3
  4. Season with salt and pepper from all sides and inside:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 4
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 4
  5. Lay a baking pan with foil; arrange meat in it and smear with marinade from all sides and especially inside, then cover meat with the foil and put pan to the fridge for 10-12 hours to marinate:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 5a
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 5a
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 5b
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 5b
  6. When meat is all marinated, take the pan out from the fridge. Warm up oven to 375F. Slice garlics into small slices, slice tomatoes as well (you want to make tomato slices even and thin, so if you have it – use mandoline slicer or similar tool):
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 6
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 6
  7. Arrange 2-3 slices of garlic between 2 pieces of meat:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 7
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 7
  8. Put 2 slices of tomato in:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 8
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 8
  9. And cover up with shredded cheese:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 9
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 9
  10. Repeat with rest of meat “pockets”, tomatoes, garlics and cheese; once done, slightly press meat slices together from sides; fold it in foil and put pan into the oven for 50-60 mins:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 10
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 10
  11. Once meat ready, take pan out, carefully unfold the foil:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 11
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 11
  12. Remove meat from the pan, slice it up and serve:
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 12
    Tomato and Cheese Stuffed Pork Loin: Step 12

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