Boiled Rice Side Dish
May 2nd, 2009 in Sides by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 45min

Boiled rice is a perfect side dish for any kind main dish, especially for spicy food.
Boil rice till it is half-ready and then steam it with a butter. Rice grains become soft and crumbly, but not overcooked.
- White rice
- Water
- Butter
- Salt
How to make, step-by-step:
- Rinse white rice with cold water. Fill cooking pot with a water and put it on the burner on moderate heat. Volume of water should be at least 4 times + more than volume of rice:
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 1 -
After water begin to boil add salt, pour rice in it:
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 2 -
Stir water with rice till the moment water become boiling again. Make sure no rice sticks to the bottom of the pot. After water become to boil again adjust heat so it doesn’t bubble too much:
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 3 - Let rice to boil for 10 minutes, pour rice to the colander and let water to drain:
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 4 -
Meanwhile, put the same pot on the burner on low heat and melt 1-2 tbsp of butter in it:
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 5 -
Pour drained rice back to the pot without stirring:
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 6 -
Stick several piece of butter to the rice and put lid on the pot, make sure heat is still on low. Let rice reach softness and then it is ready!
Boiled Rice Recipe: Step 7 -
Serve Boiled Rice as a side dish for any kind of meat, poultry fish entrees. It goes good with spicy food!
Boiled Rice is Ready!