Fruit and Berry Kompot
February 1st, 2014 in Beverages, Non-alcoholic by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 30min

This recipe gives me another chance to advertise the benefit of homemade drinks over store sold soda full of sugar and god knows what else: making drink for yourself gives you control over how much sugar it has exactly.
Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries are nice choice for this kompot, strawberries are nice addition too. I used frozen berry mix – it is cheaper and easier to get, however fresh berries will work the same well.
Fruit and berry kompot taste great warm, or cooled down to room temperature, or iced, whatever you prefer more. Fruits from the kompot taste great too, you can serve them with or without kompot.
- 2 apples
- 2 pears
- 8-12oz of berry mix (frozen or fresh): blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries
- 1/2 cup of sugar (more or less to taste)
- 3qt of water
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: wash fruits thoroughly – nowadays fruits in the stores are often covered with some solution to keep them fresh longer, and we don’t want any of that to end up in the kompot:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 1 -
Slice apples and pears into 4 to 6 pieces each, remove cores:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 2 -
Bring a pot with water to simmer, add sugar in to taste (or more or less that the recipe calls, just taste water and adjust amount of sugar):
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 3 -
Add apple and pear wedges in and let the them simmer lightly for about 15 mins:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 4 -
Then add berries and simmer it all together for 5 mins more:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 5 -
Then turn heat off, cover pot with a lid and let kompot cool down and infuse:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 6 -
At the end you will get ruby colored drink of berry and fruit fragrance:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 7 -
Serve it warm or cooled down to room temperature or iced, with fruits and berries or without, to you liking:
Fruit and Berry Kompot Recipe: Step 8