How to Make Hard Cooked Eggs
December 26th, 2008 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 10min

Hard cooked eggs are part of a lot of salad and appetizer recipes. You can also use as sandwich ingredient or each just with salt and mayonnaise. Use this recipe to prepare hard eggs in the right way – without blue ring around yolk.
- Raw eggs
Step-by-step Instructions:
- Put eggs to the pot and fill pot with water so water covers eggs complitely.
- Put pot on the burner on the medium-high heat.
- Let water to start boiling
- Put lid on the pot and move pot to the cold burner.
- Wait 12 mins for Medium-sized, 15 mins for Large-sized and 18 mins Extra-Large sized eggs.
- After time is over put pot with eggs under running cold water and wait until eggs are cool.
- Peel eggs if you are going to use them right now, or put the to the refrigerator for later use.
Tips & Advises
- You may want to make sure the eggs you are about to boil are fresh. Fresh eggs will sink in the pan with water, not really fresh eggs will try to float to the surface and not fresh at all will float above surface.
- If you let just boiled egg to be in the cold water for awhile it will be much easier to peel it after.