
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues)

October 2nd, 2010 in Desserts by
Total cooking time: 2h
Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues)

Beze cookies or meringues (probably more familiar name for you) are one of those desserts you can put together literally from almost nothing.

2 egg whites and a bit of sugar – that is all you need prepare a nice finishing for the romantic dinner or something to sweeten your life with when you need it.

Using of pastry bag, when you operate with sugary and bubbly “batter”, can be hard at the beginning, but it goes easier once you get used to it.

If you have choice – pick bigger bag so you have more room for maneuver when loading it with “batter”.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: you will also need pastry bag or something like it:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 1
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 1
  2. Separate egg whites from egg yolks (you will not need yolks for this recipe, click here if you are looking for some recipes using egg yolks); put egg whites to the mixer bowl and start beating them up on a high speed (make sure what mixer bowl and mixer attachement are absolutely clean and dry, even 1 drop or water or oil can ruin meringues):
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 2
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 2
  3. Beat egg whites until they form solid white foam about 3 times volume of the initial egg whites:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 3
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 3
  4. Then start adding sugar, spoon by spoon, and continue beating:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 4
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 4
  5. Beat until all sugar is mixed in and completely dissolved:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 5
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 5
  6. Lay shallow baking pan with a sheet of parchment paper, warm oven up to 210F:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 6
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 6
  7. Using spatula carefully (filling is sugary and therefore sticky) fill the pastry bag with enough of the filling and tie ends (you can use twist tie or rubber band or with some of the agility just your hands):
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 7
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 7
  8. Pipe meringues to the prepared parchment paper and try to make them similar in the size; you can position them close, they will not increase in size while drying-baking:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 8
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 8
  9. Once pastry bag is empty, re-fill it and continue piping until all meringue batter is gone; for me it was exactly 1 baking sheet. Put baking pan to the oven warmed up to 210F and let meringues dry for 1-1.5 hours, depends of the size of cookies it may take longer to dry (the bigger they are the longer it takes, mine were in the oven for 1.5h):
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 9
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 9
  10. Once ready, remove baking sheet from the oven and let meringues to cool down. Ready cookie should be easy to separate from the parchment paper, they should be crispy from outside and inside when you bit it and it should not stick to your teeth:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 10
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues) Recipe: Step 10
  11. Once cooled down, meringues are ready to be served. Store meringues in airtight container:
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues)
    Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues)

13 Responses to “Russian Beze Cookies (Meringues)”

  1. JayEim says:

    Hello Julia

    The Russian Beze name is in fact a French name for Meringues.

    Beze = Baiser which means a Kiss.

    Happy Baking 😉

  2. Ziz'ka says:

    wow… this is what my mother made to us when I was a child. thank you for the recipe. this is now my turn to spoil up my kiddos….
    definitely will make it today…

  3. alli says:

    what do you do when they are too runny?

  4. imran ali says:

    i have facing problem while baking . cookies are getting color and melting. plz give me some suggestion

  5. Nathaniel Jenkins says:

    Leeroy! I told you to stop with your shenanigans!

  6. Leeroy Jenkins says:

    in soviet Russia cookies bake you >:(

  7. Leeroy Jenkins says:

    I was suprised at the fact that such a little amount of ingrediants could be so tasty….. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  8. It was my first attempt using this pastry bag, so please forgive me the look of cookies. Independently of how they look the taste is good 🙂

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