
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce

February 9th, 2013 in Fish, Main Dishes by
Total cooking time: 20min
Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe

This is a recipe for tender mussels steamed with shallots, garlic and fresh greens in dry white wine and butter sauce. It will work great for a romantic dinner.

Use good white wine you would drink yourself for this recipe to achieve best results. And serve remaining of the wine along with mussels later.

Steamed mussels go great with toast garlic bread or a baguette with garlic.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: mussels I buy are cleaned usually, but you may need to clean mussels before cooking:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 1
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 1
  2. Warm up wide cooking pot over low heat, melt butter in it:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 2
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 2
  3. Peel shallots, slice them lengthwise and add to the pot (I also fry white potion of green onions at this step):
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 3
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 3
  4. Fry onions with butter until soft, stir constantly; then add chopped garlic and cook for 1-2 mins more; continue stirring:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 4
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 4
  5. Pour dry white wine in:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 5
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 5
  6. Bring sauce to simmer and cook for 1-2 mins:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 6
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 6
  7. Pour mussels in, arrange them in one layer if possible:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 7
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 7
  8. Cover pot with a lid and cook until all mussels open (may take from 3 to 8 mins), throw away all mussels which didn’t open:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 8
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 8
  9. Add chopped fresh parsley and green onions:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 9
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 9
  10. Mix, turn heat off and cover pot with a lid until served:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 10
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 10
  11. Serve mussels together with shallots poured over with the sauce:
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 11
    Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce Recipe: Step 11

2 Responses to “Mussels Steamed with Shallots in Wine and Butter Sauce”

  1. Skip says:

    I have had many version of this recipes, and I think the best one is still when you use one cup of white wine to one half cup of heavy cream, to me it made a big difference!

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