Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic
June 8th, 2013 in Sides by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 15min

Asparagus is one of foods I never ate before I came to US, and it seems pretty popular here as a healthy food, probably pretty packed with fiber everybody talks about so much here.
And this is easy way to cook it, you just need to make sure to not overheat butter and garlic.
Younger the asparagus spears require less time to cook. Make sure to cut off hard ends from the bottom all the way till soft part.
- Bunch of asparagus spears
- 1 garlic clove
- Juice of a slice of lemon
- Butter
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: rinse asparagus, pat it dry with paper towel, slice off hard tips from the bottom:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe: Step 1 -
Warm frying pan up over moderate-low heat, melt about tablespoon of butter:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe: Step 2 -
Peel garlic, slice it and add to the pan, fry for a minute, stir from time to time:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe: Step 3 -
Add asparagus, and fry it until desired softness (I like it crunchy), depending on how fresh and young asparagus the time will differ, shuffle pat content from time to time while cooking:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe: Step 4 -
Move cooked asparagus from the pan:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe: Step 5 -
And sprinkle it with lemon juice squeezed from a slice of lemon:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe: Step 6 -
Then serve:
Asparagus Fried with Butter and Garlic Recipe