
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: butter (Page 1 of 4)

Vegetable Soup with Cauliflower and Rice

June 30th, 2018 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Vegetable Soup with Cauliflower and Rice

Don’t let the amount of ingredients this recipe calls for to scare you: it is not as hard to cook as it may seem (just many pictures).

In fact it is pretty easy, especially if you are keen on peeling and slicing. And cooking takes just about 30 mins.

If you are looking for lighter version calorie-wise, reduce amount of flour (or skip it all together).

Reducing amount of sour cream will help too, but I wouldn’t skip on it entirely, it adds a lot to the taste.

Pumpkin Cookies with Spices

November 18th, 2017 in Desserts by Julia Volhina
Pumpkin Cookies with Spices

I hope pumpkin season has not passed for you just yet. Or, thanks to the store supply of canned pumpkin, it can actually be all year around if one wishes.

Whatever the case is for you, this recipe is one to try should you wish to fight that pumpkin deficiency in you diet. Here they come – pumpkin cookies.

You can eat them plain or topped with cream cheese frosting, I prefer the latter.

Baked Chicken Rolls with Cheese and Butter

February 13th, 2016 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Baked Chicken Rolls with Cheese and Butter

These resemble chicken kiev for the part that they are chicken rolls which are stuffed with garlicky butter. But they are much easier to make and are a bit healthier: because of no breading and no deep frying.

Chicken thin cutlets cut works perfectly for this one (if you can buy it), but whole breast can be sliced into cutlets as well, it will just be slightly more work to do to make sure slices are even and there are no holes in the chicken so stuffing doesn’t leak when cooking.

Butter and cheese stuffed chicken rolls taste great when served hot, right out the oven. Good when paired with mashed or baked potatoes. Perfect for romantic or celebratory dinner.

Simple Cauliflower Puree (Mashed Cauliflower)

August 1st, 2015 in Sides by Julia Volhina
Simple Cauliflower Puree (Mashed Cauliflower)

Lately, I am cutting on my potato intake, but it is hard because I like such sides as mashed potatoes, for example. So when I read about mashed cauliflower being something similar but healthier, I had to try it right away.

I must say, mashed cauliflower still tastes like cauliflower, however the texture of it is very much similar to the texture of potato puree. So I think, I am pleased with my results.

I used hand immersion hand blender to puree my cauliflowers, but I am pretty sure stand blender or food processor will work for it as well.

Don’t over do on amount of milk – cauliflower will need much less than potato would, so add it very gradually, spoon by spoon until desired consistency.

Shrimps in Sour Cream Sauce

July 19th, 2014 in Appetizers & Snacks, Fish, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Shrimps in Sour Cream Sauce

Fast recipe to fix shrimps: simmer them for few minutes in sour cream and butter sauce.

I used raw cleaned shrimps for the recipe. But boiled ones will work as well, just reduce cooking time and temperature (no need for boiling).

Shrimps prepared this way can be a dish on its own, an appetizer or a snack, or it can be served over a bed of rice or pasta.

Sweet “Potato” Dessert

May 10th, 2014 in Desserts by Julia Volhina
Sweet “Potato” Dessert

This is a no bake dessert from my childhood: one of the easiest to do (you can do it with you child together) with ingredients which were easily available at that time. I think I grew up with condensed milk, cookies and butter.

We called these “sweet potatoes”, I guess mostly because of the color and form. I think the closest equivalent to this recipe in English would be “rum balls” if you make them with rum and form balls instead of “potato” shapes.

Of course, if you make this dessert for kids, skip alcohol.

No Yeast Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant)

February 22nd, 2014 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
No Yeast Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant)

Real puff pastry dough is taking a lot of time to make from scratch, most of the times it is easier to just buy it instead. Another alternative could be to try this easier and much faster variant.

Disclaimer first: this dough will probably not be a best choice for some fancy croissants or so, but it will work great for layered cakes, pies, sugar cookies, and such.

Either butter or margarine will work for this recipe, I used margarine. Make sure you don’t let ingredients and dough itself warm up, if you need to pause while making the dough, put it to the fridge to cool down.

Prepared dough can be used right away, or can be frozen for later use, make sure to use freezer bag.