Tag: pumpkin (Page 1 of 1)
Pumpkin and Millet Porridge
October 19th, 2013 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
I think pumpkin porridge (“garbuzova kasha” or “tykvennaja kasha”) is somewhat unusual dish in this part of the globe.
But it is quite popular in slavic world. My grandma always cooked it at fall, with milk and millet and, of course, pumpkin.
Raisins are nice addition to the recipe, all though they are optional, so are walnuts or dried apricots.
Cooking millet may take some time (and liquid). If you need to speed things up a bit, rinse millet seeds in couple of changes of warm water, or even let them soak in water for some time before cooking.
Pumpkin and Rice Soup-Puree
October 5th, 2013 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
It is a pumpkin harvest time. That said, it is a time for pumpkin vegetable soup-puree: bright in color and rich in nutrients meat-free soup.
You can use canned vegetable broth for this one, or prepare your own from scratch by following these easy step by step instructions like I did. Just remember that canned broths usually are pretty salty, so you may need reduce amount of salt you add to the soup.
Equal amount of sour cream can be substituted for heavy cream if you feel like it.