
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce)

November 19th, 2016 in Sauces & Dips & Spreads by
Total cooking time: 1h 30min
Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce)

It took me couple of tries to get close enough in recreating a recipe for Jager Sauce which I tried in local German restaurant.

I must say I love how it turned out: creamy, mushroomy with a hint of wine and a little more than a hint of smoked bacon.

Traditionally, Jager Sauce is being served with schnitzels.

And I found it works great with meat roasts and fried meat, as well as with any kind of potato sides.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 1
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 1
  2. Warm up deep sauce pan over moderate heat. Dice bacon and add it to the pan:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 2
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 2
  3. Fry bacon until colored, stir from time to time (keep produced juices):
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 3
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 3
  4. Add diced onions:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 4
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 4
  5. And fry them until soft and colored (continue stirring):
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 5
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 5
  6. Add chopped garlic, stir couple of times until it becomes fragrant:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 6
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 6
  7. Then add sliced mushrooms:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 7
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 7
  8. Continue stirring and cooking everything together until liquid produced by mushrooms is evaporated:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 8
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 8
  9. Add wine, cook until reduced in half:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 9
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 9
  10. Then pour broth in:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 10
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 10
  11. Followed by heavy cream:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 11
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 11
  12. Season with salt to taste:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 12
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 12
  13. And thyme, marjoram and ground black pepper, and let sauce cook over slow simmer while you prepare thickening part of it:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 13
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 13
  14. Fry flour in melted butter on a skillet and gradually dilute it with about ladle of liquid part of the sauce, for that:
    Melt butter in a skillet
    Melt butter in a skillet
    Pour flour in
    Pour flour in
    Mix with spatula
    Mix with spatula

    Until flour absorbs all butter
    Until flour absorbs all butter
    Gradually start mixing sauce spoon by spoon
    Gradually start mixing sauce spoon by spoon
    Cook until homogeneous, stir constantly
    Cook until homogeneous, stir constantly

  15. Pour prepared substance into sauce:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 15
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 15
  16. Bring sauce to slow simmer and cook until desired thickness and tenderness of mushrooms:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 16
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 16
  17. Serve sauce warm with a schnitzel or another food of your choice:
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 17
    Jäger Sauce (Mushroom Hunter Sauce): Step 17

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