Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst
June 2nd, 2012 in Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 45min

I had some bratwurst left from last cookout and instead of sticking it to the freezer, I decided to cook this bachelor food: braised cabbage with brats and tomato paste.
There is not much hassle with meat, cabbage is hard to mess up, just fry all ingredients together and salt to taste.
You can replace brats with any kind of sausage to your taste, even sliced bologna will work.
Diluted tomato paste can be replaced with fresh tomatoes, peeled and pureed, but that is an exercise for an experienced bachelor…
- 3-4 bratwurst or other sausage to taste
- 1 small head of white cabbage (1-1.5lb)
- 1 big onion
- 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
- 1 cup of water
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- Salt to taste
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: I used bratwurst sausage, but any other to your taste will work as well, even sliced bologna:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 1 -
Warm up deep frying pan with 2 tablespoons of oil over moderate heat, peel onion, chop it, add to the pan and fry until colored, stir from time to time:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 2 -
Add sliced brats, fry them and onions together for 5-8 mins:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 3 -
Shred cabbage (discard stem part), add cabbage portion by portion to the pan, while cooking cabbage volume will reduce, so if amount of shredded cabbage doesn’t fit, just put as much cabbage to the pan as it can fit and cook it stirring until volume reduces and you can fit more:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 4 -
Braise cabbage with brats for 10-15 mins, stir for even cooking:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 5 -
Dilute tomato paste with a cup of water and pour it to the pan:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 6 -
Continue cooking until cabbage gains desired softness, then salt to taste:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst Recipe: Step 7 -
And serve:
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst