August 29th, 2009 in Cold Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 45min

Okroshka is traditional russian cold soup. It is perfect meal for hot summer weather as it is prepared on the base of kvass – russian bread drink – and it is light and very refreshing.
Finding good fresh kvass for okroshka can be challenging outside of former-USSR. You may try russian or ukrainian shop, or, of course, you can prepare kvass yourself. But If you are not lucky with any of these, you can also replace kvass with mineral water, kefir diluted with boiled cold water or even light beer.
- 2 potatoes
- Half of english cucumber of medium size (or 2-3 baby cucumbers)
- 0.5lb of bologna (can be replaced with the same amount of boiled vial or beef)
- 4 eggs
- 1 small bunch of radish
- 15 oz of canned sweet peas
- 1 bunch of fresh dill
- 1 small bunch of green onions
- 5 tbsps of sour cream
- 2 tbsps of dijon mustard
- 1.5-2 quarts of kvass (russian bread drink), you may replace it with kefir diluted with cold boiled water or mineral water
- Salt, ground black pepper
How to make, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: boil potatoes for salad in advance, prepare hard boiled eggs, drain liquid from peas:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 1 -
Skin potatoes and dice them, put to the big cooking pot:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 2 -
Dice bologna (you can replace bologna with boiled vial or beef or even ham if you like), add diced meat to the pot:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 3 -
Add drained sweet peas to the pot:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 4 -
Dice cucumber and add it to the cooking pot, if cucumber is ripe you can remove seeds and skin it:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 5 -
Dice hard boiled eggs:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 6 -
Cut radish of tails, rinse them with cold water and slice, put to the cooking pot:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 7 -
Add chopped fresh dill and green onion:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 8 -
Add salt and black pepper, put 2 tbsps of mustard (I usually put Dijon one) and about 5 tbsps of sour cream (or more if you like), someone also add mayonnaise at this step (or even replace sour cream with it):
Okroshka Recipe: Step 9 -
Mix everything:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 10 -
Add about 4 cups of bread kvass (filter it if is needed) and let Okroshka to settle before serving:
Okroshka Recipe: Step 11 -
Add more kvass to Okroshka right before serving (you may vary amount of kvass to your taste). Serve Okroshka cooled:
I never put peas when I make okroshka, because I like my okroshka SOUR and peas make it sweet.
But to each their own, we all have different tastes. I guess the author could add that peas are OPTIONAL.
And I agree, peas, mayo and mustard make it seem more like Olivie (The Russian Salad)…which I found odd. But I might try putting mustard in my Okroshka one day for “ядрёность” and sourness.
And as for the liquid part of it, I do not use kefir, kvass or buttermilk, personally, but that’s again just my preference – I use plain yoghurt (it’s a little more sour than kefir or buttermilk) and lemon juice and mineral (carbonated) water. My husband is North American and he and I LOVE Okroshka and make it together (and sometimes he makes it by himself!) ALL the time like this! :))
He doesn’t like Kvass very much but that’s not really why we don’t use kvass in Okroshka – but rather because we love the sour milk taste better. Again, to each their own, try it this way and that way and then decide what way you prefer!!! 🙂
YES! I knew in my heart of hearts I was Russian (or at least Ukranian). When I have made Okroshka I’ve done it with this amazing Korean lemon vinegar and yogurt. I am a human who needs sour in her diet.
My mom makes it without the peas. Instead of Kvass, she mixes sour cream, cold water, lemon juice, and salt. I guess you could add mayo, but her way is my favorite!
Oh how I love Okroshka! Here is a link to my recipe (with pictures) http://cuceesprouts.com/2012/08/russian-gazpacho-okroshka/
My baba and deda always made it with schav (bottled, sour sorrel broth) instead of kvass. Much easier to find in America, and so good!
Боже, это реально Оливье с квасом! Ну нафиг, лучше в бубушкиной поваренной книге найду.
Ржу в тряпочку от этих рецептов!
so should i use peas?
I guess general opinion is to not add it, but I like peas in. You can make it without peas and add peas separately to a plate right before serving and try which one you like more…
i usually did it without peas, and instead of kvas, I added cold water, salt, myonez, and citrus acid. it is very good and you can store it in fridge up to 7 days 🙂
My grand mom used water and citrus acid as well, it is either way good with kvas, kefir, mineral water or water with citrus acid.
you can also use water and add lemon acid <my favourite way:)
I, too, find that the peas is a rather unusual addition to the okroshka…
My mother makes the okroshka with buttermilk and some kvas…have you heard of that?
Yes, either buttermilk or kvass or kefir, or even mineral water.
>> Очень необычно встретить горошек в окрошке. Очень.
Ага, похоже на оливье с квасом ^^. Кстати, а я впервые вижу, чтобы для приготовления окрошки использовался тёмный квас – обычно берут белый, на основе ржаной муки.
Never ever use sweet peas in okroshka. It is not even near original okroshka recipe. Canned sweet peas in Soviet Union were unbelivable hard to find. And (if found) can or two were usually kept for the New Year holidays to make famous “Russian salad”.
Ошибаетесь, в окрошку очень часто кладут зеленый горошек, так. Что рецепт написан правильно. Иногда добавляют смесь кефира и кваса, а иногда сметаны, минеральной воды и уксуса. У каждого – свои вкусы!)
You are mistaken. In hodgepodge very often put green peas, so. That the recipe was written correctly. Sometimes a mixture of yogurt and kvass, and sometimes sour cream, mineral water and vinegar. Everyone – your tastes!)
Очень необычно встретить горошек в окрошке. Очень.