
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: broth (Page 2 of 3)

Jellied Meat (Kholodets)

November 10th, 2012 in Appetizers & Snacks, Beef, Chicken, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Jellied Meat (Kholodets)

Another traditional dish of various east and west european cuisines (russian, ukrainian, polish, and many others): jellied meat, also knows as kholodets, studen, dragli, aspic, and many other names.

Main ingredient to successful preparation of jellied meat is using meat with cartilages (hocks, years, tails, etc), without these broth will not jelly (pig or chicken skin helps too).

If broth doesn’t jelly (too less cartilages used) you can dissolve a bit of gelatin in the broth before pouring it to the dish. I don’t like using gelatin, but it can be a fail-safe mechanism if you want to make the dish is ready in time for an important event.

Clear Beef Broth with Vegetables

October 8th, 2011 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Clear Beef Broth with Vegetables

Beef broth with vegetables is easiest liquid food to make, easiest to consume, good for your digestive system. Why not to cook it yourself instead of pouring it out from a can or a box?

All you need is beef with bones (I find shank cut very suitable for soups and broths), roots (carrots, parsley, celery), onion, fresh greens and this recipe.

Clear beef broth is nice to accompany any food prepared from that boiled meat cooked in the broth (since you don’t need it after broth is cooked), such as crepes with boiled meat stuffing, savory pies or fried dumplings.

Tomato and Rice Soup

April 16th, 2011 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Tomato and Rice Soup

Gentle tomato soup with rice filling garnished with freshly chopped basil is a russian variant of tomato-basil soup.

It is beef broth based and if you want to make it more tomaty and thick, reduce amount of water you use for broth and increase amount of tomatoes.

I’ve garnished soup with basil even though it isn’t very widespread in Russia, but it gives a nice kick to flavor of this soup. After all basil and tomatoes are the combination which can never taste wrong.

Buckwheat Soup

October 30th, 2010 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Buckwheat Soup

This is good soup to cook at winter: time when fresh herbs are not full of flavor and most of vegetables are not as full of nutrients as fresh ones.

Root vegetables used in this recipe (potatoes, carrots, parsley and celery roots) are good on keeping their nutrient through whole winter and buckwheat grains add even more.

As for most of meat broth based soups, you can save some time cooking it by preparing meat broth in advance: night before or so, and then reheat before cooking buckwheat soup itself.

I really encourage you to cook beef broth yourself, whatever they say in those advertisements, but broth from can can’t be the same good as broth prepared by yourself from ingredients you choose, it is not that hard after all.

French Onion Soup

August 14th, 2010 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
French Onion Soup

I absolutely love this tender onion and cheese soup with a light hint of spices and dry white wine. It is very good choice for home dinner party or romantic dinner just for you two.

You can prepare most of the steps in advance (from step 1 to step 9), then pour soup to the bowls, add bread and cheese and put them to the oven right before serving. That will save you a bit of time and ensure every meal comes fresh and warm at the right time.

My advice would be to use home prepared broth, cooked with good quality beef, carrots, onions, parsley and celery for this soup. If you need some hints on how to prepare beef broth, follow these instructions.

Russian Sauerkraut Soup (Schi)

February 12th, 2010 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Russian Sauerkraut Soup (Schi)

Sauerkraut soup, also called sour schi, is a traditional russian main first course dish for several hundreds year.

Original recipes for schi (there are more that one: sour schi, grey schi, green schi) usually include some kind meat, some kind cabbage, carrots, potatoes and spices. Sour schi are prepared with sauerkraut or mix of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage.

I do cook schi with just sauerkraut and I prefer pork broth for sauerkraut schi, however you may use beef for it if you don’t like pork.

Chicken Soup with Egg Linguine

October 24th, 2009 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Chicken Soup with Egg Linguine

I think – and I hope you will agree with me – nothing tastes better in the cold fall weather than a bowl of hot soup. Make it a chicken soup and it will be hard for you to stop feeling warm and cozy even if outside it is raining since the last week.

Should I also mention what soups, especially chicken soups, are very good for the digestive system, especially if body is weakened by recently or ongoing illness. What can be better for the upcoming flu-season?

Lets gather the ingredients and make tasty noodle soup: Chicken Soup with Egg Linguine, it is really easy after all.