Tag: finger food (Page 3 of 3)
Chicken Liver Pate
September 11th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
I find dishes from any kind of liver not very popular on this side of the globe. However I can’t see anybody not liking this one: chicken liver pâté or “pashtet” like it is called in Russia.
Pate in russian cousine is prepared mostly from liver cooked, ground and mixed with butter and few additions to taste. For chicken liver pate I add onions, carrots, a dash of nutmeg and a spoon of cognac, see the instruction below.
Chicken liver pate can be served as appetizer or snack, on bread, toasts, crackers or flat breads. You can also exercise a pastry chief inner self and arrange pate flowers using pastry bag.
Stuffed Egg Shells
January 16th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Egg shells stuffed with mushrooms, eggs and onions mix is an appetizer I asked my mom to do for each celebration, we had, when I was little.
It is still my favorite dish; now I cook it myself when have enough time and special state of mind to stub some eggs and dice everything into little pieces 🙂
To get empty egg shells is the most tricky part in making stuffed egg shells: you may waste one or two eggs while learning to do so, just be brave and persistent.
You are lucky if chickens, which produced eggs you are planning on using to prepare this appetizer, have had enough calcium in their diet, that will make the whole deal with getting nice looking egg shell halves much more easier. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a case for me: the shells of eggs I had were crushing when breathed on.
That didn’t do any bad for taste (believe me!), just made pictures a bit less nice looking than I expected, but I hope you will still like the recipe enough to try it out.
Eggplant Paste (Aubergine Paste)
November 28th, 2009 in Appetizers & Snacks, Sides by Julia Volhina
Here is an eggplant paste recipe how my grandma used to do it: all full of vegetable goodness, and I love its taste (still a bit hard to get it taste exactly the way how grandma’s is but I am working on it).
Baked eggplant paste makes a perfect side dish for meat or vegetable entrees, as well as it can be a great appetizer – just pour a bit on a whole wheat cracker, or spread it over a piece of bread and get a healthy snack.
Prepared eggplant paste can be stored in a fridge for several days and it tastes good cooled.