Tag: pork (Page 3 of 4)
Pork Loin Roll with Prunes and Carrots
September 3rd, 2011 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Ingredients in this recipe for most part are the same as in meat stew with prunes and carrots, however for this one I suggest using pork loin – it is tender and much easier to slit flat to be able to roll it with stuffing.
Prunes are go great with pork meat. If you have dry prunes with pits – soak them in boiled water for 15-20 mins to soften and then remove pits before continue with recipe.
Boiled potatoes are great side dish for this entree, whatever you decide to go with mashed potatoes, baked potatoes or simple boiled potatoes, it will work good.
Fried Pork Chops
July 23rd, 2011 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
This is probably the easiest way to cook pork chops – simply beat them up, dust with flour and fry until ready. Actually you can fry any kind of pork meat like this: pork loin slices, pork chops, cutlets, shoulder parts, etc.
For thicker meat cut increase cooking time: it is important to cook pork thoroughly, when cut with a knife it should produce clear juices, especially near the bone.
Lemon juice gives pork meat a nice sour kick in taste; garnishing with chopped greens looks pretty, but is absolutely optional.
Pork Roast with Garlic, Mayo and Spices
June 25th, 2011 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Yet another pork roast – and it is spicy one. Slow cooking turns meat in this roast tender and juicy and it makes great dinner.
To save some time on preparation you can marinate meat in advance and then just put it to the oven 2-3 hours before it needs to hit the table.
Juices produced while meat was cooking make great addition when poured over the meat or its side dish of potatoes served with it.
Sorrel and Pork Soup (Green Borscht)
June 18th, 2011 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Sorrel and pork soup, or as it is called also green borscht (obviously because of the color), is one of these dishes you can rarely eat in US, unless you are ukrainian, poland, russian family or visiting one of those :).
I was a bit unlucky in buying sorrel this time. Sorrel is very seasonal (meaning available only on spring), and for some reason WholeFoods (the only place where I was able to find it) carries it in herbs section – read this as 2-3 branches per a pack.
I ended up getting last 3 packs they had in their stock, but even that was less then needed for this soup (I am actually still wondering, who buys sorrel in WholeFoods in such packs and for what?).
Anyway, if you are more lucky than me and either know where to buy enough of sorrel or growing it by yourself, you can safely use more, and by more I mean much more: 3-4 cups is good. If you want to make itβs sour taste a bit less intense – fry it before adding to the cooking pot or/and use more water when cooking broth.
Stuffed Pork Rolls with Mushrooms (Kruchenyky)
November 20th, 2010 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Kruchenyky or zavyvantsi β meat rolls prepared with pork (less often with beef) and stuffed with various mixes. This is very popular dish of traditional ukrainian cuisine.
Stuffings for kruchenyky, as well as sauces, vary from region to region and, actually, from cook to cook.
I like kruchenyky prepared from pork loin and stuffed with mushrooms or mushroom mix with some other ingredients, fried and then baked under cream sauce. Just like in this recipe.
It may seem like lot of hassle to cook these stuffed pork rolls, but it is really not as hard as it looks; and is really tasty π
Pork Roast with Garlic
May 15th, 2010 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Pork roast by this recipe usually turns out juicy and flavored. It is nice dinner dish, can be served warm or cooled down; leftovers are good for sandwiches.
It takes about an hour to cook from beginning till end. It is very easy to prepare recipe. Apart of main ingredients, which are mainly pork and garlic, you will also need a sheet of cooking foil.
Tastes good accompanied by dry red or rose wine.
Russian Sauerkraut Soup (Schi)
February 12th, 2010 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Sauerkraut soup, also called sour schi, is a traditional russian main first course dish for several hundreds year.
Original recipes for schi (there are more that one: sour schi, grey schi, green schi) usually include some kind meat, some kind cabbage, carrots, potatoes and spices. Sour schi are prepared with sauerkraut or mix of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage.
I do cook schi with just sauerkraut and I prefer pork broth for sauerkraut schi, however you may use beef for it if you don’t like pork.