Tag: cucumber (Page 3 of 4)
Ukrainian Tomato and Cucumber Salad with Sour Cream Dressing
March 12th, 2011 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This simple salad with tomatoes and cucumbers is very popular in Ukraine, and I don’t see any reasons why it wouldn’t be liked in any other country which grows tomatoes, cucumbers, dill and sour cream with onions and garlic.
As opposite to summer salad with tomato and cucumbers with vegetable oil based dressing, this one uses sour cream and mayonnaise.
If you are trying to cut on calories – use mix of sour cream and low calorie yoghurt, or just yoghurt as a base for dressing, but, believe me, this salad tastes the best with real sour cream.
Lithuanian Borscht (Cold Borscht)
June 26th, 2010 in Cold Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Are you suffering from hot weather like me? When outside feels like in the oven there is no better food to eat than cold soup. Lithuanian borscht is a nice refreshing buttermilk based cold soup you can put together without any extra hassle and then enjoy it sitting on the patio.
The real trick to Lithuanian borscht is to find good kefir – it should be original kefir which hasn’t been flavored with any tastes, not salted and not sweetened. I used plain unsweetened kefir (can be replaced with buttermilk) from Lifeway and it worked out perfectly.
The rest of ingredients: vegetables (beets, cucumber and greens) and hard boiled eggs, are easy to get and not pricey at all. And btw, even though this soup is called a “borscht”, the only thing it has in common to other borschts, I guess, is the color.
Cabbage and Cucumber Salad
June 19th, 2010 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This is one of my favorite salads for fresh young cabbage – fast made slaw with eggs and cucumbers seasoned with fresh dill and mayo to taste.
Usually I take small white head cabbage or a half of it, however it will be the same good with red cabbage (the color will look interesting in this case too 🙂 ) or napa.
Don’t forget to cool down hard boiled eggs before adding them to the salad – it is not recommended to mix fresh vegetables with hot ingredients.
Summer Salad with Tomatoes and Cucumbers
March 20th, 2010 in Salads by Julia Volhina
After all those snow emergencies, I’ve got hungry for some fresh vegetables. Lucky for me there are plenty in the nearby grocery store: despite there is no summer here yet.
So I decided to make simplest salad I know: summer salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with chopped fresh dill and green onions, and dressed with oil.
This salad is perfect for any meat or poultry main dish. And even though it is not quite summer yet, I hope you are the same lucky like me and can buy fresh tomatoes and cucumbers right now to enjoy taste of fresh vegetables and replenish your body with some vitamins.
Greek Salad (Russian Variant)
September 5th, 2009 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This is the recipe of Greek Salad how I used to eat it. This is prepared of mix of fresh vegetables with a light hint of Greece in mix of oregano with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, enriched by taste and texture of feta cheese.
Please note, the recipe I use can be very far related to the original greek recipe. I never been to Greece and mostly enjoy Greek cuisine from what I can find in local shops and restaurants.
This particular recipe describes the way how Greek Salad is prepared in Russia, so maybe it should be called Russian Greek Salad instead 🙂 Enjoy!
August 29th, 2009 in Cold Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Okroshka is traditional russian cold soup. It is perfect meal for hot summer weather as it is prepared on the base of kvass – russian bread drink – and it is light and very refreshing.
Finding good fresh kvass for okroshka can be challenging outside of former-USSR. You may try russian or ukrainian shop, or, of course, you can prepare kvass yourself. But If you are not lucky with any of these, you can also replace kvass with mineral water, kefir diluted with boiled cold water or even light beer.
Tzatziki Sauce
May 9th, 2009 in Sauces & Dips & Spreads by Julia Volhina
Tzatziki (can be spelled as tzadziki or tsatsiki) is yogurt and cucumber cold sauce of Greek cuisine.
It can be served separately as a dip or with meat entrees as a sauce. It is perfect addition for the gyros or souvlaki.