
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Category: No-meat (Page 7 of 9)

Boiled Potato with Sour Cream and Garlic

November 27th, 2010 in No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Boiled Potato with Sour Cream and Garlic

There is no easiest way to cook potato than boiling. You get tasty and nutritious dish fast and with literally no hassle: just clean it, put to the cooking pot, bring to boil and wait.

Young potato boiled skin on tastes especially good when dressed with several spoons of sour cream, seasoned with chopped dill and minced garlic.

If you don’t have young small potatoes, use red skin ones, or any others. Clean potatoes before boiling, for young potatoes washing will be enough, old potato may need to be peeled.

Cauliflower Pancakes

November 6th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Cauliflower Pancakes

This is my recipe in support of Faina’s with Cucee Sprouts cauliholic addiction. I hope you will like it 🙂

Yet another vegetable pancakes recipe. These are usually healthier choice: they contain much less flour (comparing to usually flour-based pancakes) – batter mostly consist of vegetable goodness and, of course, a bit of eggs 🙂

I love cauliflower in any of its appearance, and I consider cauliflower pancakes to be one of the easiest and fun ways to cook it.

Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)

August 28th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Russian Kefir Pancakes (Oladi)

Oladi, or thick pancakes prepared from kefir based batter, is traditional russian breakfast food. Batter is easy to assemble and whole dish doesn’t take much time to cook.

Kefir gives a distinguishing taste to oladi, but it probably can be replaced with buttermilk in case you are having troubles finding kefir.

Oladi can be served plain or with some kind of a topping: jam, syrop or honey, as well as fresh fruits. I love oladi with sour cream.

French Toasts with Cheese

July 31st, 2010 in Eggs, Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
French Toasts with Cheese

French toasts are easy to do and very tasty. They fit perfectly for breakfast or brunch, or as a quick to prepare snack.

It is good to use not so fresh, 2 or 3 days old bread for french toasts. However it you only have fresh bread – just dry slices of it in the toster for a bit, it will make preparation easier.

French toasts can be served plain or with various topping: honey, berry jams or syrups. I prefer them topped with shredded cheese or mix of cheeses.

Potato Roast with Vegetables

July 10th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Potato Roast with Vegetables

Summer is here and summer is a perfect time to enjoy vegetables it brings along.

Bell peppers, eggplants, potatoes roast together with olive oil based dressing with garlic and herbs can be a perfect dish on their own as well as a side dish to meats or poultry.

Once veggies are all sliced and mixed with dressing (can be prepared in advance), it takes about an hour to roast them in the oven.

Roasting doesn’t require much of attention, just stirring from time to time. So I consider this dish easy to prepare.

Fresh Cheese Dumplings (Varenyky with Cheese)

April 17th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Fresh Cheese Dumplings (Varenyky with Cheese)

Varenyky with fresh cheese (perogies or vareniki or vareniky with fresh cheese) is one of the traditional Ukrainian dishes for dumplings. You will need fresh white cow milk cheese (quark) to prepare those, which can be a bit hard to find (try some east european store, if that is the case).

To your taste, you can make these dumplings sweet (by adding sugar to cheese) or savory (skip sugar in the filling all together); either kind will taste great with sour cream.

Prepared not boiled fresh cheese dumplings can be frozen up and boiled when you need them; which makes them perfect food for lunch. Boiled dumplings maybe be stored in a fridge and warmed up by frying with a bit of butter over moderate heat.

Crepes Stuffed with Apple

April 3rd, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Crepes Stuffed with Apple

For some reasons, I always cook a bit too much than we can eat at once, especially when it comes to crêpes.

So there are some times when I am wondering what to do with all those extra crêpes left from the yesterday.

Here is nice idea how else you can eat left over crêpes: stuff them with honey and apples – those will get you full fast, and because stuffing is pure apple – you will also eat good nutritious breakfast.

If you are interested to know how to cook thin cr̻pes Рread here.