
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Category: Appetizers & Snacks (Page 4 of 5)

Tomatoes Stuffed with Fresh Cheese

July 30th, 2011 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Tomatoes Stuffed with Fresh Cheese

These campari tomatoes stuffed with fresh quark cheese, chopped greens and garlic can be nice addition to any celebration table or a cookout: they look festive, taste good and can be easily eaten with fingers.

If you can’t find quark cheese (sometimes called farmers cheese, or fresh white cheese, or tvorog in russian) it may work with feta cheese, but I like it more with quark.

Seeds and pulp from tomatoes as well as top parts – once removed – are not needed for this recipe. You can discard them, or use in some other dish.

Many kind of stews and soups would only benefit from fresh tomatoes. I used seeds and juice from this batch to marinate a nice ribeye steak.

Parmesan Eggplants with Tomato Basil Sauce

May 7th, 2011 in Appetizers & Snacks, Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Parmesan Eggplants with Tomato Basil Sauce

Eggplants fried in flour and egg coating are good on their own as a no-meat main course, appetizer or snack. But they can also be served as a side dish.

Tomato sauce with basil and garlic is a good addition to fried eggplants; it adds a bit of spiciness to plain taste of eggplants.

And parmesan goes great with that combination too.

Cheese Balls Appetizer

February 12th, 2011 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Cheese Balls Appetizer

Cheese, clove of garlic, a bit of mayo, shredded coconut and about 20 mins of time it is all you need to prepare cheese balls appetizer.

Cheese goes great with wine. So cheese balls are great for wine tasting or wine party.

Cheese balls are finger food and can be served as is or on crackers.

Open Sandwich with Ham, Pineapple and Cheese

December 4th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Open Sandwich with Ham, Pineapple and Cheese

This is a kind of sandwich you would call hawaiian, and I guess that is mostly because of ham and pineapple.

I never been to Hawaii, so can’t tell what’s up with them and pineapple / ham combination. So I just roll with it 🙂

The whole trick here is to assemble sandwiches (by the way, you can do it in advance) and then put them to the oven for the time enough to melt cheese and warm the rest up, just before you are planing to bring sandwiches to the table, and when ready – serve warm.

Ingredients in this recipe is enough to prepare hot 6 sandwiches, if you need more or less just adjust amounts.

Chicken Liver Pate

September 11th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Chicken Liver Pate

I find dishes from any kind of liver not very popular on this side of the globe. However I can’t see anybody not liking this one: chicken liver pâté or “pashtet” like it is called in Russia.

Pate in russian cousine is prepared mostly from liver cooked, ground and mixed with butter and few additions to taste. For chicken liver pate I add onions, carrots, a dash of nutmeg and a spoon of cognac, see the instruction below.

Chicken liver pate can be served as appetizer or snack, on bread, toasts, crackers or flat breads. You can also exercise a pastry chief inner self and arrange pate flowers using pastry bag.

Eggplant Rolls

March 6th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Eggplant Rolls

I don’t have much to say about this recipe, it mostly says for itself: eggplants and tomatoes – main ingredients – are good combination and garlic doesn’t make it any worse.

This recipe isn’t much hassle to prepare and ingredients don’t cost much; so you can easy get to advised 5 servings of vegetables per day and even enjoy it.

Eggplant rolls taste better while fresh, so prepare them right before serving.

Stuffed Egg Shells

January 16th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Stuffed Egg Shells

Egg shells stuffed with mushrooms, eggs and onions mix is an appetizer I asked my mom to do for each celebration, we had, when I was little.

It is still my favorite dish; now I cook it myself when have enough time and special state of mind to stub some eggs and dice everything into little pieces 🙂

To get empty egg shells is the most tricky part in making stuffed egg shells: you may waste one or two eggs while learning to do so, just be brave and persistent.

You are lucky if chickens, which produced eggs you are planning on using to prepare this appetizer, have had enough calcium in their diet, that will make the whole deal with getting nice looking egg shell halves much more easier. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a case for me: the shells of eggs I had were crushing when breathed on.

That didn’t do any bad for taste (believe me!), just made pictures a bit less nice looking than I expected, but I hope you will still like the recipe enough to try it out.