
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: egg (Page 3 of 12)

Cabbage and Meat Rissoles (Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties)

January 30th, 2016 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Cabbage and Meat Rissoles (Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties)

EnjoyYourCooking already has recipe for Lazy Cabbage Rolls casserole, this recipe variation uses almost the same ingredients, but in form of cabbage and meat patties baked under tomato and sour cream sauce.

Again, they are much easier and faster to prepare comparing to traditional cabbage rolls (this is why they are called “lazy”), but taste is very similar.

These patties constitute complete meal, but some vegetables or salads can be served along as a side dish.

Hrechanyky (Ukrainian Buckwheat Fried Patties)

October 10th, 2015 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Hrechanyky (Ukrainian Buckwheat Fried Patties)

There are many recipes in Ukrainian cuisine for Hrechanyky – meat and buckwheat patties.

All of them use some sort of meat (chicken, or pork, or beef, or a combination of these) which is being mixed with boiled buckwheat and some other ingredients; patties are either baked or fried, and then served either plain or with some kind of sauce. So, there are many variations.

In this recipe I used ground chicken, patties are fried and served without any sauce. Simple recipe I would say. If you are grinding chicken meat yourself, you can do it together with onion, that way there is no need to grate it.

Serve hrechanyky warm or cooled down with vegetable side or on a bread bun.

Baked Chicken Patties in Cheese Sauce

September 26th, 2015 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Baked Chicken Patties in Cheese Sauce

Interesting and I would say unusual recipe: chopped chicken meat patties baked in garlicky cream cheese sauce. Great choice for romantic or family dinner.

I used chicken thighs meat for this recipe, it seem juicier and tasty to me, but breast meat will work as well. As for cheese, it is italian cheese blend, but if you like something else – it would probably work too.

If meat mince consistency is watery, forming patties may get tricky, just use two spoon to ladle and shape them, otherwise use hands.

Cabbage Pancakes

July 4th, 2015 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Cabbage Pancakes

If you have some cabbage sitting in the fridge and you don’t know what to do with it, here is your way out: make cabbage pancakes. They are much like Ukrainian “deruny” but made from cabbage and onions.

My better half is not a big fan of cabbage in general, but he loves these and always asks for seconds.

Cabbage pancakes work great for breakfast or lunch as a dish on its own. But they are not sweet, so I suppose can be served as a side dish as well.

Listed amount of ingredients will produce about 15 pancakes.

Fried Meat with Mustard and Eggs

May 9th, 2015 in Beef, Chicken, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Fried Meat with Mustard and Eggs

The magic of this recipe is in the fact that you can prepare everything for it a day before and then just fry the meat when the time is right.

You can actually store marinated meat in fridge for longer and just fry a portion you need every time you need it, which may save time eventually.

Results may vary depending on the taste of mustard you use. So use the one you like :).

The same goes for peppers – I used a mixture I had on hands: red pepper, black pepper, white pepper, coriander, etc, but you can use whatever you like the most.

Choose softer cut of beef for this recipe, pork or chicken may work too.

Cabbage Baked with Eggs

December 20th, 2014 in Eggs, Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Cabbage Baked with Eggs

I don’t know how to call this dish: it is not a cake or pie, but it certainly looks like one; it doesn’t seem to be a casserole, but you can bake it in a casserole pan, it does look similar to quiche, but is not exactly a quiche.

I guess at very least it is an omelette, omelette with cabbage. Yes, I know, an unusual combination, but still pretty tasty.

Cabbage omelette doesn’t require a lot of time to prepare, can be served for breakfast or lunch as a dish on it’s own, but it also can be paired with meats as a side dish.

Chicken, Prunes and Cucumber Salad

July 12th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Chicken, Prunes and Cucumber Salad

This salad has unusual ingredients combination: prunes, eggs, cucumber, walnuts and chicken, as the title says.

There is no onions or garlic, so it can be served early in the day as well later.

It is also one of few salads in my recipe inventory which does not call for mayo.